Mobile Device Management

Effortless Management

At Suburban Australia, we understand the importance of managing and securing mobile devices in today’s digital landscape. Our Mobile Device Management (MDM) services ensure the protection of sensitive information while enabling seamless device management for businesses of all sizes.

What is Mobile Device Management?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is the process of managing and securing mobile devices used within an organization, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. MDM solutions allow IT administrators to monitor and manage devices, enforce security policies, and protect sensitive data.

Key Features of Mobile Device Management:

  • Device Enrolment and Provisioning: Registering devices with the MDM server and configuring them with necessary settings and security policies.
  • App Management: Deploying, updating, and removing apps on managed devices while enforcing usage policies.
  • Security & Compliance: Enforcing security policies like passcode requirements and encryption to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Remote Management: Monitoring, troubleshooting, and managing devices remotely, even when not physically present.

Why Choose Suburban Australia for Mobile Device Management?

With our expertise in MDM solutions, we help businesses prevent data breaches, protect sensitive information, and ensure compliance with organizational policies. Our tailored services empower businesses to work efficiently and securely in today’s mobile-centric environment.

Upgrade Your Corporate Mobile Fleet with Ease

Managing a corporate mobile fleet upgrade can be complex, especially for distributed workforces. At Suburban Australia, we offer streamlined solutions to simplify the upgrade process and minimize disruption to your business operations.

Six Steps to a Successful Corporate Mobile Fleet Upgrade:

  1. Device Provisioning: Seamlessly provision new devices with necessary configurations and settings.
  2. Carrier Provisioning: Collaborate with carriers to activate SIMs and allocate billing cost centers.
  3. Manufacturer Device Enrolment: Enrol assets in device management environments for tracking and warranty purposes.
  4. UEM Device Enrolment: Utilize Unified Endpoint Management to manage devices and enforce policies.
  5. Zero-Touch End-User Deployment: Provide users with out-of-box startup experience for seamless onboarding.
  6. Bulk Deployment Management: Organize and manage device deployment to individual workspaces efficiently.

Benefits of Outsourcing to Suburban Australia:

  • Speedy project completion
  • Single point of contact for the project
  • Established project management process
  • Direct access to carrier systems for SIM activation
  • Coordinated task chronology from procurement to deployment
  • End-user support desk for assistance.

Why Regularly Upgrade Your Mobile Devices?

Regular device upgrades are essential to protect against cyber threats, reduce IT support costs, and ensure optimal productivity and security for employees. Upgrading also enables businesses to leverage new features and stay compliant with evolving regulations.

Ready to Upgrade Your Mobile Fleet?

Ensure your business stays ahead with Suburban Australia’s Mobile Device Management services and streamlined fleet upgrade solutions. Contact us today to learn more and enhance your mobile device capabilities.
A Great Service

Industry Specific IoT Development

IoT Platform
An IoT platform is a comprehensive software solution that plays a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication, efficient data management, and precise device control for a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. By serving as a centralized hub, this cutting-edge platform facilitates the seamless connection and management of various IoT devices, while also collecting and analyzing valuable data generated by these devices. Moreover, an IoT platform offers seamless integration capabilities with other systems, ensuring a harmonious interaction between different technologies.
IoT Solutions
IoT platform is not just a software solution, but a comprehensive tool that enables seamless communication, efficient data management, and precise device control for a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It acts as a centralized hub, connecting and managing various IoT devices, while also collecting and analyzing valuable data generated by these devices. Additionally, an IoT platform offers seamless integration capabilities with other systems, ensuring a harmonious interaction between different technologies.
Cybersecurity Ventures
Cybersecurity Ventures

The Estimated Global Cost of Cybercrime is $6T
and Climbing + 15% a Year.

Our Data Analytics Expertise

IoT Development and Implementation Roadmap

Discovery & R&D
Discovery & R&D
Discovery is the process of uncovering or finding something new. It can be a scientific breakthrough, a personal realization, or an exploration of the unknown. It often involves curiosity, observation, and experimentation. Through discovery, we expand our knowledge, challenge our assumptions, and open doors to new possibilities. Discovery is the act of uncovering or finding something new.
MVP Development
MVP Development
MVP development is a product development strategy that focuses on creating a minimum viable product with essential features. It allows businesses to gather user feedback early on, validate their ideas, and iterate quickly. By prioritizing core functionalities, MVP development helps save time and resources while delivering value to customers.
MVP Rollout and Testing
MVP Rollout and Testing
MVP rollout and testing are crucial steps in the product development process. It involves releasing the Minimum Viable Product to a select group of users to gather feedback and identify any issues or improvements. Testing helps ensure the product meets user expectations and functions as intended. It is essential for a successful product launch.
IoT Scaling
IoT Scaling
IoT scaling refers to the ability to handle the increasing number of connected devices in an IoT network. It involves managing the growth of data, ensuring network reliability, and maintaining security. Scaling is crucial to support the expanding IoT ecosystem and enable efficient data processing and analysis. Effective scaling strategies include cloud computing, edge computing, and the use of scalable IoT platforms.
IoT Ecosystem Setup
IoT Ecosystem Setup
Setting up an IoT ecosystem involves connecting devices, collecting data, and enabling communication between them. This requires selecting compatible hardware, implementing secure protocols, and integrating with cloud platforms. Additionally, data analytics and visualization tools are essential for extracting meaningful insights. A well-designed IoT ecosystem ensures seamless connectivity.
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